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So, you're a pretty good writer, are you? Want to see if you can write the next part of the story? Well, you're in luck for you've come to the right place. Below you'll see a story beginning and the latest chosen continuation. You can write how you think the story should continue and post it below. If your story continuation is chosen, you will receive the cool medal shown above. |
“Goodnight, Ashley,” her mother called from the doorway, “sleep tight.” She closed the door over, and Ashley pulled the cover up around her face and closed her eyes. School was out, so her mother had let her stay up a little later than usual, and even though she didn’t want to admit it, she was very tired. As she snuggled down, she began to doze off into a peaceful sleep when she heard what sounded like tiny footsteps tapping across the floor. She opened her eyes wide. Thinking that maybe she had imagined it, she smiled and turned over in bed, pulling the covers up once more. After a moment, she heard the noise again. This time, it was louder. It sounded as if little feet were running…and it sounded like it was coming from under her bed! She listened for a while, barely breathing so she could hear every sound. Over and over she heard little feet pitter-patter around on her floor. When she finally decided she was not imagining things, she looked over the side her bed and saw that a faint light was coming from under her bed. Holding her teddy bear tightly, she slid off the mattress and onto the floor. She pulled back the dust ruffle and peered underneath her bed and saw… -- Written by [Lerune] ...nothing. The underside of her bed was as dark as the outside window and Ashley's eyes didn't feel completely adjusted yet. So after hanging upside down for a while and feeling the blood rushing to her head until she was seeing spots, she decided she didn't notice anything unusual and pulled herself back up. After some time passes Ashley heard the noises again. Grabbing a small reading LED flashlight She looked under the bed again and shines her light. This time she saw a glimpse of something furry darting away. "Was that a mouse or something?" she pondered. Ashley had a cat but he was very fat and lazy so it was possible one got in and was building a nest. Her house was fairly old so there were several holes in the wood and probably had enough resources that would be perfect for raising an average mouse family of 12. Turning off the light and snuggling back in her blanket Ashely drifted off to sleep. In her dream mice were looking at ice cream cones and deciding if it should be used for a door. Ashley was their real estate agent and had a clipboard made of lego's. "I think that chocolate waffle looks great with that trifolding" she muttered faintly. Suddenly something fuzzy fell on her face and... -- Written by [Melly] |
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) |
What Happens Next? WHN? Bosses | Elf12 Rules Retired |
2010-02-17 [Akane Ice]: My entry sucks but whatever.
2010-02-25 [*Phoenix*]: It's cute!! ^_^
2010-03-16 [*Phoenix*]: ROFL!! That's almost exactly how I picked it!!! Only with short fuzzy almost unsee-able legs!
2010-03-16 [Yuriona]: omg! A stolen/random image!! *SPANKS AKANE* Bad!!
2010-03-16 [Angelo]: On an official wikipage no less! tisk tisk.
2010-03-16 [Akane Ice]: I ish bad girl...
2010-03-16 [Angelo]: Hahaha. You didn't have to delete it. :3
It doesn't violate the rules to put it in the comments.. I don't think anyway. o.o;
I'm actually not sure on that now. *prods Yuri for her site-boss input*
2010-03-16 [Yuriona]: It was a linked image so at least it wasn't uploaded here. :P
No, on most wiki pages that image would have been fine posted in the comments or on the page itself but not something that should be on an official page. We're supposed to be settin' an example dontcha know??
2010-03-16 [Angelo]: And da boss-lady has spoketh. She's wise.
2010-03-19 [Angelo]: That's fine! It doesn't have to be perfect, just creative. :)
2010-05-23 [Melly]: Well, I'm going to edit it a bit so it makes more sense
2010-10-29 [Angelo]: Looking for more submissions! :)
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